ISRVA Gathers Leaders from 4 Countries for IIDL Match Event on SRV

On September 9 and 10, the  ISRVA hosted a Leadership Exchange match as a part of the IIDL Washington 2019 Gathering.

We welcomed 6 exchange participants from Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and included US-based SRV leaders and emerging leaders, and joined with 18 US-based practitioners, leaders, and emerging leaders from Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Delaware.

Two days of engagement and study around SRV and its implementation, with Dr. Guy Caruso and Jo Massarelli providing overview material on SRV, and SRV-based application examples and discussion. Milton Tyree will spearheaded discussion about supported employment with an SRV base, Dr. Thomas Neuville presented on the CVA as basis for inclusive post-secondary at university level, Tom Doody  discussed Citizen Advocacy, and Jo Massarelli gave a compelling overview of Medical Safeguarding and its connections to SRV.

Organized by Marc Tumeinski, Betsy Neuville, Jo Massarelli, Guy Caruso, and Pam Seetoo, this event was held in Harrisburg PA at Keystone Human Services International.  exchange participants coming from Australia and New Zealand. Many thanks to Michael Kendrick for encouraging us to put this together. It was a compelling two days.

Wolf Wolfensberger - In honor of a Man & His Life's Work
SRV Journal - A helpful addition to the International SRV Training Culture