Trainers & Speakers Profiles

International Social Role Valorization Trainers

Joe Osburn

joe-osburnDirector of Indiana Safeguards Initiative, an SRV-based project. Associate of Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger for many years. Extensive experience teaching SRV, PASSING, and other major elements of Wolfensberger’s work, including the crafting of a morally coherent stance on the sanctity of all human life, and preserving personal moral coherency in one’s service endeavors. Member of the North American SRV Development, Training, and Safeguarding Council, and the editorial board of The SRV Journal. Author of a number of articles in the areas of SRV development, training, and implementation.In carrying out this work, Joe has visited, observed and assessed hundreds of services of virtually all types and fields and has traveled widely throughout the United States, Canada & on occasion, in Great Britain and Australia. He has taught both graduate & undergraduate level courses and has been guest lecturer on frequent occasions at various colleges and universities and also has been a presenter at conferences, meetings and similar events, including at several of the international SRV conferences. He maintains informal personal contact with socially vulnerable people and their family members, and with several individuals and small communal organizations practicing hospitality, life sharing and other forms of solidarity with the poor. He has a long-standing affiliation with Wolf Wolfensberger, PhD., the formulator of SRV, and is a member of the North American SRV Council, and an editor of, and contributor to, the SRV Journal.

Joe teaches in English, and is accredited through the North American SRV Council.

Contact Information for Joe:

The Safeguards Initiative
114 Woodhill Road, Bardstown, KY 4004
Ph 502-348-1168
Fax 502-348-1193

Jo Massarelli

Jo Massarelli is Director of the SRV Implementation Project, a human service training and consultation concern based in Worcester, Massachusetts (USA). She divides her time between teaching Social Role Valorization workshops and related topics, and working to effect positive change for individuals with impairments through direct service and consultation. She has taught workshops and lectured at conferences across the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan to a variety of human service workers serving a range of people devalued due to mental and/or physical impairment, mental disorder, old age, and poverty. Ms. Massarelli has evaluated dozens of human service programs, including residential, day and work programs, schools, hospice, prisons, and homeless shelters.

Ms. Massarelli has a particular interest in advocacy in medical settings. She teaches a variety of workshops on protecting vulnerable people in the hospital, and on medical decision making. She is a member of the Medical Safeguards Project, a group of nurses and doctors in Massachusetts who are committed to safeguarding the health and lives of mentally impaired people with significant medical needs. Ms. Massarelli serves as a consultant for Family Lives, a program for children with multiple impairments who require twenty-four hour nursing  care. Family Lives is committed to providing the medical support necessary for the children to live at home, and Ms. Massarelli works to assist family and nurses alike to envision and realize more than the “patient” role for those served.

Ms. Massarelli is an advocate associate for the North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy project. She is involved in training Citizen Advocacy boards and advocates in how social devaluation affects human service recipients. Jo Massarelli and her husband Marc Tumeinski are members of an intentional community responding to the needs of homeless and otherwise vulnerable people in Worcester, Massachusetts, where they live.

Jo teaches in English, and is accredited by the North American Council on SRV.

Contact Information for Jo:

SRV Implementation Project (SRVIP)
74 Elm Street Worcester, MA 01609 US
Phone Number (508) 612-7254 or (508) 752-3670

Elizabeth “Betsy” Neuville

betsy neuvilleElizabeth “Betsy” Neuville has served as the Executive Director of The Keystone Institute for over 15 years. She has 30 years of experience as a human service worker, administrator, agency director, evaluator, educator and personal advocate. She has extensive experience designing and developing supports for very vulnerable people, as she served for many years as the Executive Director of a human service agency. During this time, she assisted over 200 people to leave institutions and establish themselves as valued and contributing members of their communities. She has been deeply involved with the closure of several large institutions in the US and abroad and has experience using individualized processes to assist people to gain valued roles and the full, rich, community life that often accompany such roles. She specializes in service assessment and evaluation, conducting educational events, creating community support structures for highly vulnerable people, and working collaboratively for organizations and programs to move away from segregation of marginalized people and towards community engagement in all life areas.

Betsy has worked extensively with the ideas of Social Role Valorization and provides a great deal of training and consultation nationally and internationally. She has worked in de-institutionalization and community-based service development projects in many places, with an emphasis on Eastern Europe, and is now working extensively in India where she leads the development of a National Institute on disability, community, and innovation. Betsy teaches in English, and is accredited by the North American SRV Council as an SRV trainer.

Contact Information:

The Keystone Institute
3700 Vartan Way
Harrisburg, PA. 17110

Guy Caruso

Since 1974, as a student at Syracuse University I studied and then worked for the late Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger. I have been both a Normalization/PASS and SRV/PASSING trainer for many years in both Canada and the United States. I teach SRV courses using the most recent materials available, and conduct one, two, and three day courses, and the four day SRV event that prepares participants to attend a PASSING event. I have co-authored a few published articles relating to SRV. I am a long standing member of the North American SRV Council. I have been in the field of human services for over 40 years and have worked in a number of capacities and areas primarily supporting people with intellectual disabilities and their families. I have a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Counseling from Syracuse University, and am a Fellow of the American Association of Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD). I work for the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University as their Western Coordinator near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where since 1999 I have provided technical assistance to the state’s Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) Program that has people with disabilities, family members, and non-conflicted interested others interview over 5,000 people with intellectual disabilities living in a variety of settings to ask “what would make you life better.” A process is in place to address what people say and to improve people’s lives, as well as make  changes in the state system of services and supports. In addition, I have been a Partners in Policy Making presenter in over 10 states and territories presenting on the History of Disability, People First language, Self Advocacy, and Inclusive Community Living. I am the father of six children (5 sons and a daughter) and live with my wife, MaryJo, just outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Guy teaches in English, and is accredited by the North American Social Role Valorization Council.

Guy Caruso, Ph.D., FAAIDD
Western Coordinator
Institute on Disabilities at Temple University
College of Education
8500 Brooktree Road, Suite 100
Wexford, Pa 15090

Jane Sherwin

jane-sherwinJane Sherwin is a Senior SRV Trainer, having been involved in the teaching, learning and application of SRV since 1990. She is a member of the Australian & New Zealand SRV Group. Jane is well regarded for her teaching, writing and facilitation work, and is considered a scholar-practitioner with regard to the teaching/learning and application of SRV. Jane teaches SRV through accredited SRV workshops, longer courses and in shorter events. Jane frequently uses participative action research methodology to foster SRV application, consistently achieving excellent learning outcomes. She mentors individuals and groups in the development of SRV-based workshops and in the application of SRV. Jane is one of the few SRV teachers in the area of older people. She has also used SRV to underpin work with groups who support children in care, single parents and refugees. Jane is respected for her collegial relationships with local groups who host SRV workshops. Similarly, Jane’s national SRV group membership focuses on the application of SRV, developing approaches to teaching and accreditation, as well as building cooperative relationships with local SRV groups. When not teaching accredited SRV events, Jane works with groups and organizations on equal and ethical partnering and directive control, person centred approaches, values-based quality, leadership development, and planning for better lifestyles and support arrangements with individuals. Background: Jane has been involved in the lives of people with disabilities and older people since the late 1970s. She has a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (University of Queensland) and a Master of Arts in Education and Work (Macquarie University). Jane has worked in government and community services as an occupational therapist, manager, lecturer, and organizational change manager. Her social change efforts since the early 1990s have used organizational change, training, mentoring, evaluations (using SRV) and writing as key strategies.

Jane teaches in English, and is accredited by the Australia and New Zealand SRV Study Group (ANZSG).

Contact Information:

Sherwin & Associates
Brisbane, Queensland 4064, Australia
Phone:  61 404 993 555

John Armstrong

john-armstrongJohn Armstrong has worked in government, non-government and in consultancy roles since early 70’s as a teacher, principal, adviser and team leader. He has also held statewide training roles – specifically associated with matters of fundamental service practice. He was for eight years a member of the Victorian Intellectual Disability Review Panel. Having been introduced to Social Role Valorisation in the early 80’s, he went on to train and receive recognition as a Senior SRV Trainer with Dr Wolfensberger and the Training Institute in Syracuse NY. Since 1991 he has worked as a self-employed consultant across Australia and New Zealand conducting training, consultancy and evaluation. He has evaluated many human services and provided detailed verbal and written reports that agencies have continued to reference even years later. He also writes material for various newsletters and journals, and conducts workshops and provides keynote presentations at national and some international conferences. John has a particular interest and provides training and articles related to the factors that promote the welfare of people and reduce the potential for neglect and harm.

Apart from a long involvement in Citizen Advocacy, (as an advocate, board member and CAPE Team Leader) he is the inaugural chair of Citizen Advocacy Australia – a national fund raising body for Citizen Advocacy programs in Australia.

In addition to standard SRV and PASSING training, John conducts training and consultancy for agencies on request, that can be tailored to their requirements, for instance, SRV for managers, SRV for Boards or SRV for families. Then there are events on specific topics to assist practitioners and family members implement change well–see below for a list of  those events. John also regularly conducts service reviews or will organise and lead official evaluations of a program or service.

John teaches in English, and is accredited by both the North American Council for SRV and the Australia and New Zealand SRV Group (ANZSG). He has a new series of on-line videos that are described here.

Contact Information for John:

16 Pasley St
Sunbury, Victoria 3429 Australia
Phone: 0402 449 068

Judith Sandys

judith-sandysJudith Sandys is a long time member of the North American SRV Development, Training and Safeguarding Council as well as a founding member of the Southern Ontario Training Group (SOTG) She has been involved with Social Role Valorization and related events for many years, most notably through organizing and leading PASSING workshops for over 20 years. Judith is a faculty member in the School of Social Work at Ryerson University. She teaches about SRV to undergraduate students in both social work and disability studies programs. Judith has a long history of involvement in organizations of and for people with various disabilities, as an executive director, board member, consultant, advocate, educator and researcher.

Judith teaches in English and is an accredited trainer of the North American SRV Council.

Contact information for Judith Sandys, PhD

Southern Ontario Training Group (SOTG)
370 Denlow Blvd
Toronto, Ontario M3B 1P6

Marc Tumeinski

marc tumeinski

Marc Tumeinski’s background is in supported employment for adults with mental disorders, helping teenagers with impairments to be integrated in their school, and supporting adults with physical and intellectual impairments to have a good home life and to be a valued participant in their neighborhood and larger community. He has taught in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Japan. Marc studied and presented with Dr. Wolfensberger, and is a member of the North American SRV Council. He blogs regularly on SRV and PASSING at Marc Tumeinski is the Editor in Chief of The SRV Journal.

He is interested in the use of PASSING as a teaching instrument and as an assessment tool, as well as in writing about SRV as a learning and dissemination strategy. Marc has thought a lot about the history and nature of offering service to vulnerable people. He published a 2012 article co-written with Jeff McNair entitled “What would be better? Social Role Valorization and the development of ministry to persons affected by disability” in The Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 1(1): 11-22.

Marc is interested in the issue of restraint use in services, in particular on the impact it has on recipients, and the relationship between human service workers and those whom they restrain. He has worked with a group of family members and service workers in Ontario, Canada to develop a coherent response to the problems associated with the prevalent practice of restraint use. He has written an article on the topic of restraint use which was published in the February 2005 issue of Mental Retardation.

Marc and his wife Jo Massarelli lived as volunteers in a small homeless shelter, and have offered hospitality in their home to poor and homeless people. Marc teaches in English, and is accredited by the North American Social Role Valorization Council.

Organizational Affiliation: SRV Implementation Project

Contact Information for Marc:

74 Elm Street
Worcester, MA 01609 United States
Phone Number: 508.752.3670

Peg Jenner

Peg Jenner lives in Toronto ON with her family.  She served many years on the Board of Directors for Toronto Citizen Advocacy and through this work was introduced to Social Role Valorization and PASSING workshops.  For over 25 years she taught Social Role Valorization theory in the college classroom and then guided her students to implement SRV in their practicums. Since 1995 she has taught many full introductory four-day SRV leadership courses, as well as shorter 1 to 3-day SRV-related events. Ms Jenner has served on the board and committees of several human service organizations and in this role brought SRV theory to the table to inform decision making. Peg has participated in the evaluations of Citizen Advocacy Programs in the past and more recently the evaluation of many different Human Service Programs.  Since her retirement from Centennial College (2013), Peg has consulted with several organizations regarding SRV training and SRV implementation.  She is a long time member of the Southern Ontario Training Group and she is a member of the North American Social Role Valorization Council.

Peg teaches in English and is accredited through the North American SRV Council.

Contact Information for Peg:

Southern Ontario Training Group
c/o  40 Cairnside Cres.
Toronto, ON M2J 3M8

Raymond Lemay

Raymond Lemay, is the principal consultant with L-R Lemay Consutants. He was the founding Executive Director of VALORIS pour enfants et adultes de Prescott-Russell / VALORIS for Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell (Plantagenet, ON), a $36 million multi-serviceorganization with over 350 employees. He recently retired from this position. He holds a M.Sc. from Syracuse University. He has authored many articles and books on resilience, normalization, Social Role Valorization (SRV) and management. With Hayat Ghazal he has authored “Looking After Children in Canada, A Practitioner’s Guide” (2007) published by the University of Ottawa Press. In 1999, with Robert J. Flynn, he co-edited the book “A Quarter Century of Normalization and Social Role Valorization: Evolution and Impact.” Other publications include “Social Role Valorization (S.R.V.) Insights Into the Social Integration Conundrum” in MentalRetardation (2006); “Deinstitutionalization of people with developmental disabilities: A review of the literature” in the Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health (2009) and “Our perverse reliance on prescribed standardized processes as proxies for quality in OntarioChildren’s Aid Societies: Towards the establishment of direct service and outcomes standards” published in the Children and Youth Services Review (2011). He has published inthe SRV Journal a number of articles and reviews including recently “Implementing Social RoleValorization theory–It is not about changing the world” (2013), and “Resetting the mindset bychoosing “theories” that help rather than harm” (2015). He led an initiative to develop a brief outcomes measurement tool (“Evaluating the Quality of Life Conditions andExperiences” [QLCE] – 2nd revised edition).  In 2018, he and Laetitia Delhon wrote a book about SRV: “Valoriser par les rôles sociaux: une dynamique pour l’inclusion.”  It was published in France by the Presses de L’École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique.  Lemay teaches and writes about SRV and related issues in English and in French, and he has spoken at conferences and provided training all over Canada and the U.S.A., in Australia, and in many countries in Europe.

Raymond teaches in French and English, and is accredited by the North American SRV Council.

Contact Information for Raymond:

L-R Lemay Consulting
2882 Tresa Crt
Ottawa ON CanadK1T2H1

Susan Thomas

Susan has been an associate of the Training Institute for many years and holds degrees in psychology and special education. She is author of numerous articles on Normalization and Social Role Valorization and is co-author, with Professor Wolfensberger, of PASSING and other publications. Ms Thomas has also worked for many years in voluntary, informal service to people with disabilities, and poor and homeless people. She has presented workshops with Professor Wolfensberger in many countries. She is a regular columnist for the SRV Journal. Susan directs the Training Institute for Human Service Planning, Leadership and Change Agentry,and also serves as  the Training Coordinator.

Susan teaches in English and is credentialed by the North American SRV Council.

Contact Information for Susan:

Syracuse University Training Institute
Room 301 Huntington Hall
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244 USA
315-443-5257 – voice + answering machine
No Fax

Mary Kealy

Mary worked with the Brothers of Charity in the West of Ireland for nearly 40 years initially as and Occupational Therapist, Manager of Community  Services and from the late 1990’s until her retirement as Chief Executive of the services in  County Clare.

Mary led a radical change in how support is provided to people with an intellectual disability in Co. Clare with the support of a dynamic team and mentoring from Dr. Michael Kendrick. The focus of the agency changed from supporting people in segregated, congregated group settings to become responsive to each individual, intentionally promoting opportunities and enabling them to live an ‘ordinary life in an ordinary place’.

This has been achieved through having meaningful relationships, going to college, having a home of one’s own, finding interesting work and valued social roles.

Mary feels that the teachings of Social Role Valorization (SRV) was instrumental in  understanding why society can marginalise and devalue people who are perceived as different and what things we can do to address this.It has influenced her personal life as well as the lives of many disabled people  in Clare and throughout Ireland today.

Following her retirement, Mary joined a study group facilitated by John Armstrong , Senior SRV Trainer and Consultant in Melbourne to gain an in-depth knowledge of leadership level Social Role Valorization

Mary has since established a number of study groups in Ireland and provides training to organizations and families. Mary is a member of the leadership  group which manages the International SRV Association .


Zana Lutfiyya

zana-lutfiyyaI grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba and attended the University of Manitoba (UM). I worked in recreational, residential and vocational services for individuals with intellectual disabilities as well as in Citizen Advocacy. I was a PASS team leader from 1977-1983. From 1983-1989, I completed my graduate training at the Center on Human Policy (CHP) at Syracuse University. I worked in a postdoctoral position at the CHP until 1992 when I accepted a position in the Faculty of Education at the UM. During my time in Syracuse, I had the opportunity to team lead PASSING workshops and help present at SRV events. I continue to teach SRV 10 at the UM to educators and in community sponsored workshops. When invited, I have also served as a Senior Trainer at PASSING workshops. My research interest has focused on the factors that help or hinder the social integration and participation of individuals with intellectual disability into community life.

Zana teaches in English, and is accredited by the North American Council on SRV.

Contact Information for Zana:

Organizational Affiliation:   University of Manitoba
764 McMillan Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3M0V3 Canada
+1-204-477-8216 or +1-204-474-8714

Wolf Wolfensberger - In honor of a Man & His Life's Work
SRV Journal - A helpful addition to the International SRV Training Culture