14 July, 2020
Through the Lens of SRV: Program Quality and Evaluation Study Group
Venue: Zoom On-Line Platform
Time: 4 pm-6 pm IST
Collaborating Partners: All India SRV Network, Rural India Supporting Trust
Lead Faculty: Elizabeth Neuville with Ranjana Chakraborty and Geeta Mondol
Language: English
SRV is often easier to understand than to implement. All sorts of societal forces as well as practical considerations often mean that we are continuously compromising, trading off, and delaying improvements. How can a service work to understand the progress is it making in implementing SRV, and gain ideas about how to move forward? This workshop will provide a bird’s eye view of several methods (from informal to formal) which can be used to evaluate aspects of service quality based on SRV criteria. In this short workshop, we will focus on understanding the evaluation methods we have used, and putting our heads together for ways to increase the competency of evaluators and the amount of SRV-based evaluation in India. A cohort of PASSING team members will be on-hand to help us understand the scope of PASSING as the major SRV-based evaluation tool.
Pre-Requisite: All registrants must be graduates of the 3 or 4 day Social Role Valorization Workshop
Capacity: 15
Registrar: Ms. Shalini Ekka sekka@keystonehumanservices.org
All India SRV Network, Rural India Supporting Trust, Keystone Institute India