Developed by Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger, SRV is an elaboration of his earlier conceptualization of normalization. Today, SRV represents one of the few well organized theories that positively
addresses the plight of people who are devalued by society. It was also essential in developing a framework for the development of the community living movement. SRV contains many positive principles and broad strategies to assist in overcoming devaluation and attaining the good things in life. While it is not a detailed “how to” workshop, participants
will leave with a dynamic conceptual framework in problem solving and implementation through practical action in their work and personal lives.
Social Role Valorization (SRV) is one of the best ways to understand and address issues of marginalization, oppression and exclusion of people who are devalued in our communities. This event will challenge participants to think deeply about these complex issues. As such, it is
important that participants attend the workshop in its entirety.
Alberta Safeguards
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