Opportunity for Research and Study:The Wolfensberger Archives at the University of Nebraska Medical Center McGoogan Health Sciences Library

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DOCTOR WOLF WOLFENSBERGER, human services thinker, leader, reformer, and inventor of Social Role Valorization (SRV), left a very extensive archive of materials upon his death in February 2011. These archives are held at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska, where Dr. Wolfensberger held one of his first positions in the 1960s-early '70s.

The Problem with the Readiness Model

Keystone Institute 3700 Vartan Way, Harrisburg, PA, United States

Change and growth, learning new things, acquiring skills and developing competencies – they are essential to living a full life for all humankind.  Helping vulnerable people to do so is the inherent work of personal human service.  All too often, incoherent human service models, the impacts of social devaluation and even our own mindsets and

Wolf Wolfensberger - In honor of a Man & His Life's Work
SRV Journal - A helpful addition to the International SRV Training Culture